Genealogy Calculators / Date & Calendar Tools
Use these date, money, relationship, and surname calculators to help build your family history.
Age Calculator
Calculate the difference between any two dates. Use to calculate age at death, or current age.
Birthdate Calculator
Calculate a birth date from information found on a tombstone or death certificate.
Cousin Calculator
Calculate the family relationship between two people who share a common ancestor.
Day of Week Calculator
Enter date to calculate day of week.
Easter Holiday Finder
Enter year to calculate the date on which Easter falls.
Inflation Calculator
Calculate today's monetary value for ancestor's salaries, will bequests, etc.
Metaphone Calculator
Converts your name to the metaphone code, compare surnames to see if the metaphone codes are the same, and see the explanation of how metaphone works.
Perpetual Calendar
Enter month and year (0000 to 9999) to get calendar for that month.
Relationship Definitions
Ever wondered what a first cousin, once removed meant? How about a kissing cousin or a double cousin? You'll find the definitions here.
Roman Numeral Converter
Convert a roman numeral to a decimal number. Roman numbers are often found on tombstones or legal documents.
Soundex Calculator
Convert surname to soundex code online. Find other surnames with the same soundex code.
Time Capsule
Generate a Time Capsule page with headlines, consumer prices, birthdays, songs, TV shows, toys, and books for the selected date. The years included are from 1800 to 2005.
Julian to Gregorian Calendar Chart
Explanation of the calendar and its change from Julian to Gregorian.