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Heber Surname Origin

(Origin Hebrew) Derived either from Heber, one of the ancestors of Abraham, or from the Hebrew word eber, which signifies 'from the other side,' that is, foreigners.

Source: An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names With an Essay on their Derivation and Import; Arthur, William, M.A.; New York, NY: Sheldon, Blake, Bleeker & CO., 1857.

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Search Hint: If you searched for Heber geneology, Heber geneaology, you have probably mistyped the word genealogy.

You will get the best search results if you double-check your spelling. Be sure to search for Heber ancestor not ansestor or ancester; ancestry, not ancestory or ancestery. Surname is the preferred spelling, but sometimes you may see alternate spellings sirname and sirename.