US Census Abbreviations
Ever wonder about the meaning of some of the abbreviations found in the US census? Here's a list of relationship, citizenship, race, and military abbreviations, along with the original instructions given to the census enumerators.
ditto which means "same as line above"
1900, 1910, 1920 Citizenship Status
Alien (not naturalized and had not filed first papers)
First papers filed (declaration of intent)
Not recorded
1910 Color and Race
B | Black |
Mu | Mulatto |
Ch | Chinese |
Jp | Japanese |
In | Indian. |
Ot | All others |
1910 Census Relationship and Occupation Abbreviations
Ad. | Adopted |
Ad.Cl | Adopted Child |
Ad.D | Adopted Daughter |
Ad.Gcl | Adopted Grandchild |
Ad.M | Adopted Mother |
Ad.S | Adopted Son |
Ap | Apprentice |
At | Attendant |
Asst | Assistant |
A | Aunt |
Al | Aunt-In-Law |
Bar | Bartender |
Bo | Boarder |
B.Girl | Bound Girl |
B.Boy | Bound Boy |
Boy | Boy |
B | Brother |
Bl | Brother-In-Law |
Bu | Butler |
Cap | Captain |
Cha | Chamber Maid |
Cl | Child |
Coa | Coachman |
Com | Companion |
Cook | Cook |
C | Cousin |
Cil | Cousin-In-Law |
D | Daughter |
Dl | Daughter-In-Law |
Dla | Day Laborer |
Dw | Dish Washer |
Dom | Domestic |
Emp | Employee |
En | Engineer |
Fa.H | Farm Hand |
Fa.L | Farm Laborer |
Fa.W | Farm Worker |
F | Father |
Fl | Father-In-Law |
Fi | Fireman |
First C | First Cousin |
Fo.B | Foster Brother |
Fo.Si | Foster Sister |
Fo.S | Foster Son |
God Cl | God Child |
Go | Governess |
Gcl | Grand Child |
Gd | Grand Daughter |
Gf | Grand Father |
GM | Grand Mother |
Gml | Grand Mother-In-Law |
Gs | Grand Son |
Gsl | Grand Son-In-Law |
Ggf | Great Grandfather |
Gni | Grand Niece (or Great Niece) |
Gn | Grand Nephew (or Great Nephew) |
Ggm | Great Grandmother |
Gggf | Great-Great-Grandfather |
Gggm | Great-Great-Grandmother |
Gua | Guardian |
Guest | Guest |
H.Si | Half Sister |
H.Sil | Half Sister-In-Law |
Hb | Half Brother |
Hbl | Half Brother-In-Law |
Help | Help |
He | Herder |
H.Gi | Hired Girl |
H.H | Hired Hand |
Hlg | Hireling |
Hk | Housekeeper |
H.Maid | Housemaid |
Hw | House Worker |
Husband | Husband |
Inmate | Inmate |
La | Laborer |
Lau | Laundry |
L | Lodger |
Maid | Maid |
Man | Manager |
Mat | Matron |
M | Mother |
Ml | Mother-In-Law |
N | Nephew |
Nl | Nephew-In-Law |
Ni | Niece |
Nil | Niece-In-Law |
Nu | Nurse |
O | Officer |
Pa | Partner |
P | Patient |
Ph | Physician |
Por | Porter |
Pri | Principal |
Pr | Prisoner |
Prv | Private |
Pu | Pupil |
R | Roomer |
Sa | Sailor |
Sal | Saleslady |
Se | Servant |
Se.Cl | Servant's Child |
Si | Sister |
S | Son |
Sl | Son-In-Law |
Sb | Step Brother |
Sbl | Step Brother-In-Law |
Scl | Step Child |
Sd | Step Daughter |
Sdl | Step Daughter-In-Law |
Sf | Step Father |
Sfl | Step Father-In-Law |
Sgd | Step Granddaughter |
Sgs | Step Grandson |
Sm | Step Mother |
Sml | Step Mother-In-Law |
Ssi | Step Sister |
Ssil | Step Sister-In-Law |
Ss | Step Son |
Ssl | Step Son-In-Law |
Su | Superintendent |
Ten | Tenant |
U | Uncle |
Ul | Uncle-In-Law |
Vi | Visitor |
Wt | Waiter |
Wai | Waitress |
Ward | Ward |
Wa | Warden |
W | Wife |
Wkm | Workman |
Military Status
The abbreviations in column 30 of the 1910 census are:
Survivor of the Union Army
Survivor of the Union Navy
Survivor of the Confederate Army
Survivor of the Confederate Navy
US Census Search
US Census Search Year by Year
Guide, Clues & Finding Aid for the U. S. Federal Census
Instructions given to US census enumerators
Enumerator instructions