Palatine Immigrant Ships to Philadelphia

German, Swiss, Dutch & French Palatine ships to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Oct. 13, 1747. Foreigners, inhabitants of the Palatinate and places adjacent, imported in the ship Two Brothers

Thomas Arnott, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Leith.

Johannes Fuchs
Johannes Bosse
Johannes Adam
Johannes Buch
Peter Steinmetz
Johannes Opp
Jacob Arnold sen.
Jacob Arnold jr.
Mattheis Kern
Johannes Hermann
Johan Peterey
Georg Schantz ?
Carl Baumberger
Johannes Eberhart
Nickolas Woolfe *
Henrich Kirch
Georg Karch
Johannes Bischoff
Jost Fullmer *
Johannes Udner
Christian Eydam *
Henrich Julius
Daniel Sauerwalt
Johannes Scheffer
Johannes Enck
Jacob Huppel
Johan Henrich Kuntz
Joh. Christof Muller
Johan Jacob Schmidt
Joh. Bernhart Schneider
Joh. Jacob Hilgert
Johan Peter Bausmann
Johan Philip Thomas
Johan Ernst Kurtz
Johan Frantz Hammer
Frantz Henrich Gress
Johan Georg Roth
Johan Peter Conradt
Johan Adam Krober
Joh. Philip Klonninger
Joh. Leonhart Negele
Johan Conrad Momma
Johan Philip German
Frantz Peter Lorentz
Joh. Peter Meisteuch
Joh. Wendel Eberhart
Joh. Jacob Bischoff
Joh. Diet. Schmidt
Joh. Balthas Hieronymus
Joh. Frantz Hieronymus
Adam Ingebrand *
Georg Philip Groh
Philip Fidler
Henry Beyl *
Costinios Ortmann
Michel Reidenauer
Sebastian Bauer
George Wendling
Anthon Armrester *
Heinrich Scharff
Herman Woost *
Nicklas Gebhart
Dewald Knapff
Georgius Boronii
Johannes Schnepp ?
Henrich Kern
Matheis Bischop
Johannes Bohm
Johan Seitzius
Johann Georg
Frantz Gerligh *
Paulus Dilgard
Philip Kolp
Ernestus De Switzerdediefryer
Johan Niclaus Straitz
Joh. Christoph Strohman
Johan Philip Nachtgall
Johan Georg Huth
Joh. Valentin Harth
George Greenemeyer *
Johan Nickel Wust
Frantz Michel Bischop
Johan Christoph Lehr
Johan Conrad Geib
Johannes Sassemanshause
Johan Jost Reese *
Joh. Jost Bebighausen
Georg Herrmann
Frantz Willhan
Leonhart Muller
Baltzer Mohn
Uhllerich Moan *
Valentin Buchaker *
Adolff May
Conrad Waagenmr.

  • From original German signature unless marked with *
  • * From name written by clerk
  • ? Original German signature difficult to decipher

Source: A Collection of upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania From 1727 to 1776; Prof. I. Daniel Rupp, Second Revised Edition, 1876, Philadelphia; pp.177.