Palatine Immigrant Ships to Philadelphia
German, Swiss, Dutch & French Palatine ships to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Oct. 17, 1749. Foreigners from the Palatinate, Wirtemberg and Rittenheim,- ship Fane
William Hyndman, Captain, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes.- 596 passengers.
Gottlieb Sohner
Tobias Manich
Jacob Schneider sen.
Jacob Schneider jr.
Leonhart Lang
Christian Reiner
Georg Reiner
Adam Seifert
Michael Biner
Casper Wagner
Paul Geiger
Jacob Stier
Christian Stein
Georg Geiger
Adam Hugly *
Ludwig Triber *
Mattheis Stier
Christoffel Graf *
Christoph Graf jr.
Christoph Willet
Johan Martin Offner
Henry Abentschon *
Reinhold Abendschon
Christian Abendschon
Gottlieb Baumgarttner
Christoph Altneth
Joh. Henrich Gerlach
Hans Georg Huber
Johan Georg Huber
Georg Michael Haas
Johannes Schilling
Johan Adam Keilinger *
Joh. Christoph Wethwein
Joh. Conrad Haussler
Jacob Plantz
Jacob Weyand
Heinrich Benner
Henry Mise
Arnold Althaus
Ludwig Benner
Johannes Benner
Herman Weber *
Jost Weber
Conrad Stenger
Conrad Crum
Konrath Kremer
Johannes Keim
Johannes Gross
Adam Spies
Wilhelm Shatz *
Jacob Klein
Johannes Pfeil *
Johann Graff hos
Jacob Hahn
Jacob Zeller
Conrad Zeller
Johannes Zeller
Michael Meyer
Martin Willer
Martin Faigile
Martin Pefferle
Johannes Herter
Jacob Kelling (**Rupp recorded Kissling as Kelling)
Casper Zesseler *
Johannes Algeyer *
Andreas Scherle
Henrich Priest
Melchior Ram *
Christian Reiner
Paul Muller
Gottfried Tietz
Leonhart Jung *
Lorian Eisely *
Johannes Kremer *
Conrad Hirsh
Johan Leonhard Jung
Leonhardt Plantz
Johan Jacob Schneider
Georg Jacob Plantz
Jost Sasmanhaus
Daniel Marburger
Johan Henrich Rentzel
Jost Wilhelm Rentzel
Johan Henrich Schmidt
J. Engel Stokman *
Johan Philip Stockmann
Johan Casper Klein
Johannes Klein
Daniel Benner
Johan Georg Zachrias
Martin Schneider
Christoph Schneider
Joh. Martin Hausser
Johannes Wahl
Johan Martin Hertz
Johan Martin Reisser
Christian Damselt
Christoffel Wimer *
Hans Georg Mayer
Georg Friederich Hohn
Hans Georg Plocher
Samuel Beck *
Johannes Fischer
Melchior Heckman
Johannes Schweitzer
Hans Jacob Botz
Hans George Kern *
Hans Norffkoh ?
Georg Philip Reiber
Hans Jacob Keller *
Melchior Rinehold
Joh. Dietrich Reiner
Wilhelm Claussenius
Ulrich Heininger
Jacob Adam Kraut
Joh. Conrad Biehn
Joh. Friederich Stieg.
- From original German signature unless marked with *
- * From name written by clerk
- ? Original German signature difficult to decipher
Source: A Collection of upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania From 1727 to 1776; Prof. I. Daniel Rupp, Second Revised Edition, 1876, Philadelphia.
Palatine Passenger List Index