Palatine Immigrant Ships to Philadelphia

German, Swiss, Dutch & French Palatine ships to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Declaration of Intention, 1727

At a meeting of the Board of the Provincial Council, held at the Court House b in Philadelphia, Sept. 21, 1727, one hundred and nine Palatines appeared, who, with their families, numbered about four hundred persons. These were imported into he Province in the ship William and Sarah, William Hill, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Dover, England, as by clearance from the officers of His Majesty's customs there. The said Master being asked if he had any license from the Court of Great Britain for transporting those people, and what their intentions were in coming hither, said that he had no license or allowance for their transportation other than the above clearance, and that he believed they designed to settle in this Province.Col. Rec. III. 283.

All male persons above the age of sixteen did repeat and subscribe their names, or made their mark, to the following Declaration:

" We subscribers, natives and late inhabitants of the Palatinate upon the Rhine and places adjacent, having transported ourselves and families into this Province of Pennsylvania, a colony subject to the crown of Great Britain, in hopes and expectation of finding a retreat and peaceable settlement therein, Do solemnly promise and engage, that we will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His present MAJESTY, KING GEORGE THE SECOND, and His successors, kings of Great Britain, and will be faithful to the proprietor of this Province; and that we will demean ourselves peaceably to all His said Majesty's subjects, and strictly observe and conform to the Laws of England and of this Province, to the utmost of our power and the best of our understanding. "

G. M. Weis, V. D. M.   a

Rudolph Beyl

Sebastian Graff

Tobias Frey

Johan Peter Fritz

Jacob Jost

Rudolph Wellecker

William Herry *

Jacob Bausel

Philip Rutschly

Elias Meyer

Johannes Leib

Hans Georg Ziegler

Henrich Meyer

Christoph Walter *

Johannes Huth

Philip Zigler *

Joseph Albrecht

Michael Bottle

Georg Petter

Johannes Barth

Hans Ernst Rudy

Hans Georg Hertzer

Jacob Meyer

Henrich Meyer *

Hans Philipp Schweickhardt

Philip Jacob Rheinlender

Johann Friderich Hilligass

Hans Michael Zimmerman

Johann Georg Schwab

Hans Bernhart

W A Johannes Eckman

Hans Martin Wellmer *

Hans Caspar Spangler

Hans Martin Will

Johann Jacob Cuntz

Hans Georg Welcker

Alexander Dubendoffer

Johan Friderick Rudi

Hans Michael Pfautz

Hans Michael Diel

Hans Jerg Anspacher

Georg Schumacher

Hans Georg Nogelle

Hans Georg Kremer

Andreas Holsbacher

Hans Adam Wilder *

Hans Georg Wolff

Hans Martin Liebenstein

Johan Henrich Hartman

Johannes Haberacker.

a G. M. Weis was for many years a minister of the Gospel in the German Reformed Church in Pennsylvania.

In vol. iii. 284. Colonial Records, it is stated, "sundry of these foreigners lying sick on board, never came to be qualified." I have compared Lists A, B and C and find in List A, besides those given above, the following names:

Benedict Strome *

Henericus Bell *

Daniel Levan *

Willm Jurgeins *

Adam Henrich *

Sebastian Vink *

Hans Georg *

Hans Georg Bowman *

Hans Martin Shoomaker *

Hieronimus Milderd *

Jon Bared Lerinstey *

Steven Frederick *

Hans Jacob Eckinan *

Hendrick Wittser *

Jacob Plause *

Johannis Strome *

Philip Swyger *

Jacob Swartz *

Christian Snyder *

Jacob Mast *

Johanes Balt *

Albert Swoap *

Abraham Beni *

Johan Willm Mey *

Johannes Hier *

Ulrich Sieere *

Jacob Swicker *

Philip Feruser *

Johan Wester §

Martin Prill *

Peter Seytz *

Bastian Smith *

Nicholas Adams *

Ulrich Hetzell *

Henrich Gouger §

Clement Eise *

Philip Rodesell *

Uldrich Staffon *

John Tobias Serveas

Johan Hend Gyer §

Johanes Barteleme *

Christopher Walter *

Hans Adam Stoll *

Hans Jerig Viegle *

Hans Jerig Roadebas *

Christopher Wittmer *

Hans Mich Pagman *

Hans Mich Triell *

Hans Mich Weider *

Hans Jerrick Wigler *

Hans Fillkeysinger *

Hans Georg Kley §

Andro Saltzgerber *

Christopher Labengyger *

Hans Georg Schaub *

Johannes Tiebindorf *

Conrad Milder *

Hans Adam Beinder *

Abraham Farne *

Hans Georg Milder *

Rudolph Wilhelm *

Johanes Michel Peepell *

The following are reported as having died:

Leonard Seltenrich

Jac. Milder

Christopher Milder

Hans Georg Ahrnold.

b Immigrants were usually qualified at the Court House, occasionally elsewhere. October 15, 1766, at the dwelling house of John Lawrence, Mayor of Philadelphia. January 13, 1767, and October 6, 1767, at the Office of Thomas Willing, Esq. December, 8, 1773, at the house of Peter Miller, Esq., in Philadelphia.-(Editor.)

  • From original German signature unless marked with *
  • * From name written by clerk
  • ? Original German signature difficult to decipher
  • § This person was sick

Source: A Collection of upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania From 1727 to 1776; Prof. I. Daniel Rupp, Second Revised Edition, 1876, Philadelphia.

Palatine Passenger List Index Declaration of Intent 1727