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Easy Google Genealogy Searcher

Learn to do effective genealogy internet searches with the Easy Google Genealogy Searcher. Can't remember all the Google tricks you've heard for genealogy searching? Want to learn some things you probably had no idea Google could do? The Easy Genealogy Google Searcher puts advanced Google features on one page with suggested keywords and advice about how each feature is useful for genealogy searches.
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Easy Google Genealogy Search Results

Google Operators:

    -     Use a minus sign before a keyword that you do not want to appear in your search results.

    "     Place a first name and last name between double quotes to search for exact occurences of the name. Place location names of 2 or more words in quotes; i.e. "new york".

    ...     Use a number range search to match any one year in a range of years, i.e. 1700...1750

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