History of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 1887
Wolfe Family - CHARLES DUNKLE WOLFE Biography
Prominent among the prosperous and enterprising business men of Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, who bear an enviable reputation for integrity and trustworthiness, is Charles D. Wolfe, a native of Lewisburg, Union county, Pennsylvania, a son of Jacob A. and Sarah Jane (Stein) Wolfe, who are the parents of six children, as follows : Milton E., who married Alice Reedy, and among the children born to them was Pearl, Jacob and Henry. Charles Dunkle, mentioned at length hereinafter. Emma, who became the wife of John Aumiller, and mother of the following named children : William, Nellie, Charles, Jennie, Margaret and Frances. Samuel B., unmarried ; George M., unmarried; Jackson G., unmarried. Jacob A. Wolfe (father) married for his first wife Rebecca Simmers, and their children are: Joseph H., who married Mattie Lacey, and they have the following children : John L., Jennie M., George E., Jacob H., Charles H., Lillie L., Warren R., and Joseph W. Wolfe. John B., who married Nellie Woods, and their children are: Glen and Nellie. Elmer E., who married Lizzie Goughler, and one child was born to them, Geraldine.
Charles D. Wolfe obtained his early education in the public schools of Lewisburg, and pursued a course in advanced studies at Bucknell University. While a student at the latter named institution, he employed the time not devoted to study to learning telegraphy, and in order to obtain sufficient capital to give him a fair start in life secured what employment he could find, serving in the capacity of clerk in a store and as messenger. Upon the completion of his studies at Lewisburg he, in company with A. S. Sheller, engaged in the brokerage business, this connection being dissolved after the expiration of six months. Mr. Wolfe continued the business alone until 1893, when he came to Williamsport and engaged in the same business in partnership with the late Captain Bly, who retired from the business in 1899. Since that date to the present time (1905), a period of six years, Mr. Wolfe has been sole proprietor, achieving a large degree of financial success. He is a member of the Board of Trade, also a member of the common council from the Fifth ward of Williamsport. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, was exalted ruler of his lodge four years, was district deputy of the state, and now a member of the committee of appeals and grievances. He is also a member of the Williamsport Wheel Club, of which he was its president for two years. His political affiliations are with the Republican party.
Mr. Wolfe married Margaret Ross Fisher, only daughter of William Smith and Annie H. (Moyer) Fisher, and two children have been the issue of this union: Charles Conard Dunkle, who died in infancy; and Charles Dunkle, Jr.
Mahlon Fisher, grandfather of Mrs. Charles D. Wolfe, was born in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, February 8, 1810. He was reared on a farm, and educated in the schools of the neighborhood. At the age of sixteen he began an apprenticeship at the trade of carpenter, and after becoming thoroughly proficient therein, followed this line of work up to the year 1848, when he removed to Stockton, New Jersey, and entered into partnership with his brother, Johnson Fisher, in an extensive grain and lumber business. This connection continued until 1855, when he came to. Williamsport, Pennsylvania, where he had learned that there were extensive coal and timber lands which others had failed in an attempt to develop. Among the friends of his boyhood he had no difficulty in finding those who, with unstinted confidence in his ability, were ready to contribute and risk the means required to bring forth the hidden treasures of the forests, which placed him as well as those connected with him in positions of ease and opulence. At the time of his death, December 28, 1874, he was connected with many business interests in Williamsport. He was president of the Susquehanna Boom Company and the Valentine Iron Works. He was largely interested in the lumber firms of Reading, Fisher & Company ; Teneyke, Emery & Company ; and the planing mills of Reading, Fisher & Reading. He was one of the organizers and a director of the old Lumberman's National Bank, and was one of the original members of the Williamsport Land Company. He was the incumbent of several public offices, among them being that of county treasurer while a resident of New Jersey. He was a Republican in politics, casting his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln.
Mahlon Fisher married Mary Stein, and the following named children were born to them : John S., who married Elizabeth Jennison, and their children are: Edward, Lewis, Mary and Mahlon. Anna J., who became the wife of John E. Jones, no issue. Elizabeth, who became the wife of William H. Taylor, no issue. William S., mentioned hereinafter. Mary, who became the wife of Dr. William Du Four, and their children are: William, Joseph and_ Charles. Alfred E., who married Julia Fisher. Charles B., who married Louisa Fisher, and they are the parents of two children : Charles and Neri.
William Smith Fisher, father of Mrs. Charles D. Wolfe, was born in Bridgeton, New Jersey. His educational advantages were obtained in the public schools and seminary of his native town, and throughout the active years of his life engaged in the lumber business. During the Civil war he enlisted in Company D, Eleventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Captain William B. Shant, served three months, and was discharged July 31, 1861. He then re-enlisted for three years as a private in the Two Hundred and Third Regiment, was commissioned by Governor Curtain as- of Company G, Eighty-ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and was discharged June 22, 1864. He then re-enlisted in the Eighty-ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was detailed as clerk in the headquarter department on account of his superior penmanship. After the cessation of hostilities he returned to Williamsport and at once resumed his lumber operations.
Mr. Fisher married Annie H. Moyer, and four children were born to them, namely : Frederic, who died at the age of three years. Moyer, who died at the age of eight months. Mahlon, who died in infancy. Margaret Ross, aforementioned as the wife of Charles D. Wolfe.
Annie H. (Moyer) Fisher, wife of William Smith Fisher, was the only child of Solomon and Margaret R. (Huling) Moyer, the former named being the son of Frederic and Mary (Zeckman) Moyer, and the latter a daughter of James and Margaret (Ross) Huling. Margaret (Ross) Huling was the daughter of Michael Ross, of early Williamsport history. Solomon Moyer (father) was born at Maryetta, where he attended public schools, and then went to farming. He removed from his native town to Duboistown and at once engaged in the lumber business, which he followed until the railroad destroyed his water power, when he retired from active pursuits. He was a Presbyterian in religion, and a Republican in politics. He died in 1895, aged seventy-seven years.
Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Lycoming County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1906.
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