History of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 1887
Kiess Family - WILLIAM H. KIESS Biography
William H. Kiess, who at the present time (1905) is entering upon a term of three years as comptroller of the city of Williamsport, having previously filled an unexpired term, and who for many years has been an active and potent factor in local politics, was born at Blooming Grove, Hepburn township, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, February 7, 1862. He is a son of Jacob D. and Sophia (Kehrer) Kiess, grandson of Abraham and Catherine (Waltz) Kiess, and great-grandson of Christopher Kiess.
Christopher Kiess (great-grandfather), a native of Germany, came to America in 1804, the trip across the Atlantic ocean extending over a period of one hundred and two days, the trip at the present time being made in less than a week, which fact clearly demonstrates the age of progress we live in. He settled on a farm near Warrensville, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, which he cultivated and improved and whereon he resided for the remainder of his days. He was a school teacher in his native country. He married and reared a large family of children, all of whom became useful and active members of society.
Abraham Kiess (grandfather) was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, and in 1804, when about four years of age, was brought by his parents to America. He was reared to manhood on his father's farm, after which he settled in the wilderness of Anthony township and there cleared a tract of land, erected a house and resided thereon up to the time of his death, 1881. He was active and influential in the affairs of the township-industrial, political and social-and was the incumbent of several offices of trust and responsibility. In 1851 he, with the aid of his relatives, established the first German Baptist church in America, was one of the charter members of the organization and served in the capacity of deacon at the time of his death. He was a Democrat in politics. He was united in marriage to Catherine Waltz, and they reared a family of several children.
Jacob D. Kiess (father) was born and reared on the farm in Anthony township. After his marriage to Sophia Kehrer, who was born in Upper Fairfield township, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, in 1837, daughter of Jacob and Christina (Kiess) Kehrer, natives of Germany, he settled on a farm in Blooming Grove, Hepburn township, until the death of his wife, after which he returned to his father's home in Anthony township, remaining there until March, 1867, when he moved to Iowa, where he still follows farming. He is a member of the Baptist church, and a Democrat in politics. His wife, who died in December, 1862, bore him one child, William H. Kiess.
William H. Kiess was reared by his grandfather, Abraham Kiess, of Queneshaque, Anthony township, and until he was sixteen years old attended the district school of that township. He then pursued a course at the Muncy Normal School, Lycoming county, which prepared him for the vocation of teaching, which he followed until 1882, when he entered the Central State Normal School, at Lockhaven, took the full course of study and graduated with the class of 1883. The following two years he taught public school in Lycoming county, then became an instructor in the Williamsport Commercial College, which position he resigned in i888 in order to become assistant postmaster at Williamsport, in which capacity he served until the change of administration, a period of one and a half years. That was the beginning of his active career in politics. In 1899 he was elected recorder of deeds, register of wills, and clerk of the Orphans' Court for a term of three years. Upon the death of Hermon Hinckley, city comptroller, Mr. Kiess was elected to fill the unexpired term, and in February, 1905, was re-elected to the same responsible position for a term of three years. During his political career he has enjoyed the confidence of his constituents for the energy and fidelity displayed in each and every office, and his services have been considered eminently wise and useful.
Mr. Kiess is a member of the Lutheran church. He is a charter member of the Young Men's Democratic Club of Lycoming County. He is a member of Amazon Lodge, No. 662, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Williamsport, is very active in that order and has passed through all the chairs. He is a member of all the bodies of the order of Free and Accepted Masons, and also of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, having attained the thirty-second degree. He is connected with Ivy Lodge No. 397, of Williamsport, and Irem Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., of Wilkesbarre. He enjoys the acquaintance of a wide circle of friends and stands high in the community.
Mr. Kiess married, June 22, 1889, Annie M. Bender, who was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Kiess died February 13, 1893. Mr. Kiess married for his second wife, December 8, 1898, Martha E. Rothfuss, who was born in Upper Fairfield township, and who died at her home in Williamsport, February 6, 1903.
Mr. Kiess was again married, October 19, 1905, to Cora M. Sallade, who was born at Nisbet, Susquehanna township, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania.
Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Lycoming County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1906.
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