History of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, 1887
Croll Family - GEORGE WESTPHALL CROLL Biography
George Westphall Croll, a representative citizen of Williamsport, and head of the pioneer plumbing house of the city, one of the largest of the kind in this section of the state, is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, born May 28, 1837, son of Christian and Mary Ann (Fisher) Croll, the former named having been of German origin, his parents having emigrated to this country from Germany in the nineteenth century.
Christian Croll (father) was a -- in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for forty years, conducting the business on Chestnut street, near Thirteenth street. He died at the age of seventy-four years. His wife, Mary Ann (Fisher) Croll, bore him the following children: Mary Ann, died, unmarried, at the age of sixty years. Edwin Martin, who in 1861 enlisted for three months' service in the Civil war, later reenlisted in the One Hundred and Thirty-first Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, as second lieutenant, serving three years, and subsequently re-enlisted again and went to Washington, D. C., where he remained until the close of the war. He died, unmarried, and his remains were interred ii Woodland cemetery at Philadelphia. Virginia, who became the wife of W. C. Green, issue: William, deceased ; and Florence, wife of George E. Mann; the family resided in Fall River, where the remains of Mrs. Green are buried. George Westphall, mentioned at length hereinafter. Catherine Cordelia, wife of W. H. Bellows, a retired shoe merchant of Philadelphia, no issue. William Eugene, who is engaged in the insurance business in the city of Philadelphia.
George W. Croll was reared in his native city, Philadelphia, and received a public school education, remaining under the parental roof until he attained his majority. In early life he learned the trade of a plumber in Philadelphia, and in 1858 came to Williamsport and secured a position with the firm of Jamison & White, serving them as journeyman off and on until 1861, in which year he purchased the above named business, which was located on East Third street, below Market, associating himself with Jacob A. Turner. In 1866 he moved the business to West Third street, on the present site of the Lycoming opera house, but in 1876 dissolved partnership with Mr. Turner and moved to the Andrus Block. In 1889 he moved to the Linck Block, West Fourth street, and in 1897 removed to the Weightman. Block, 410 Campbell street, where he has since engaged in the general plumbing business. For many years he carried on gas and electric fittings with his business, and was the first man to handle that line in Williamsport. He was a sub-contractor on the government building, and furnished the gas fixtures for the same, also furnishing the fixtures for the Trust Building, the City Hospital, the Hotel Updegraff and the City Hotel. He 's recognized as one of the prominent business men of Williamsport. r. Croll is a Republican in politics, but has never sought or held pub c office, preferring to devote his leisure time from business with his family and friends.
Mr. Croll married, December 23, 1861, Almeda F. Covert, daughter of Elisha and Margaret (Woodward) Covert, the latter being a daughter of the late judge Woodward, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. They reared a family of four children: William Eugene, born March 19, 1864; he followed the plumbing and electric business for many years with his father, and at one tine was foreman for the Williamsport Gas Company. Later he went to Trenton, New Jersey, where he was engaged in the same line of business, and in March, 1905, was killed at Trenton, New Jersey, by a passenger train, while walking on the track. His remains were brought to Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and interred in the Wild Wood cemetery. Margaret Almeda, born July 19, 1865, is now the wife of A. G. Heston, a traveling salesman for a plumbing house in St. Paul, Minnesota, and they are the parents of three children Christine Cordelia, Jane Lancaster and Westphall Croll ; the family reside in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Blanche Cordelia, born July 3, 1876, died December, 1882. Adelaide Virginia, born 1878, died December, 1882. Mr. Croll and his wife reside in a comfortable and commodious residence at No. 680 Campbell street, Williamsport, and enjoy the acquaintance of a wide circle of friends.
Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Lycoming County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1906.
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