Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, 1912

Riffle Family Biography

The Riffles were early settlers of German township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, where Jacob and Martha Riffle are named among the property owners of 1785.

(II) George Riffle, son of Jacob and Martha Riffle, was a farmer. He married a Miss Durr and left issue.

(III) Joseph, son of George Riffle, was born in German township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, 1804, died 1872. He grew up a farmer, an occupation he always followed. He married Martha Fast. Children: Rosanna; Rebecca; Elizabeth, died young; Andrew; Josephus, of whom further; Tzia, married Margaret Liewellyn, David, died unmarried about 1890.

(IV) Josephus, son of Joseph and Martha (Fast) Riffle, was born December 6, 1837, on the farm in German township, where he now resides and which he owns. He attended public school and early became his father's assistant, later inheriting the homestead. He has been very successful in his farming and business operations, has his farm of one hundred and fifty acres nearly all under cultivation, and is now living retired from active participation in its management. He is a Democrat in politics, and a member of the Lutheran church. He has always held the esteem and confidence of his neighbors and business associates, reaping now in his old age the fruits of a well spent life. He married a daughter of Jacob Newcomer, of German township. Children: 1. Runnma, born January 10, 1861; married John Fales; five children. 2. Gilbert, born November 3, 1862; married Cora Jones, and has seven living children, one deceased. 3. Joseph Newton, born July 25, 1863; married Martha Newcomer, one living child, two deceased. 4. Mary Martha, born December 10, 1864; married David H. Huhn; five children. 5. Charles E., born September 25, 1865; married Martha Hubbell; three children. 6. Nancy C., born February 24, 1873, unmarried. 7. Elizabeth D., of whom further.

(V) Elizabeth D., youngest child of Josephus and - (Newcomer) Riffle, was born in German township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, February 14, 1875. She was educated in the public school, and until her marriage remained at the home farm. She married, in 1895, in Uniontown, Harry G. Woolsey, son of Jason and Eliza (Hartley) Woolsey, of Nicholson township, whose other children are: James, George, Lucretia, Harriet, Sophia, Helen.

Harry G. Woolsey was born March 22, 1873, died December 11, 1911, in Uniontown. He was educated in the public schools, and became one of the successful farmers of his township, owning a good farm, one and a half miles from Masontown, his residence from his marriage until death. He was a man of energy and influence, holding a high position in the regard of his friends and townsmen. He was a Democrat in politics. Their only child died in infancy. Mrs. Elizabeth D. (Riffle) Woolsey continues her residence at Masontown. She is a member of Cumberland Church, and is a lady of culture and refinement, highly esteemed for her many womanly qualities.

Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.

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