Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, 1912

Hornbake Family Biography

This family came in recent years to Fayette county from Washington county, Pennsylvania, where George Hornbake was born about the year 1820. He married Anna Rothwell and left issue including a son Oliver, of whom further.

(II) Oliver, son of George Hornbake, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, May 11, 1848. He was educated in the public schools, and learned the carpenter's trade. After a life spent as a contractor and builder he is now living retired at California, Pennsylvania. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He married Jennie Wilson, born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, September 27, 1849, daughter of John Wilson, born in Essex, Yorkshire, England; he married Rachel McDonald, born in Oxford, Chester county, Pennsylvania, later settled in Washington county, where both died, Rachel McDonald was a daughter of William McDonald, a younger son of a titled Scotchman and a cousin of Flora McDonald, who settled in North Carolina. Children of Oliver Hornbake : Herbert O., of whom further; Ethel, Leslie, Anna, Earl.

(III) Herbert O., eldest of the children of Oliver and Jennie (Wilson) Hornbake, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, May 7, 1880. He was educated in the public school in that county, later entering the Pennsylvania State Normal at California, whence he was graduated in class of 1898. He then entered the employ of Charles Stewart, a druggist of California; then entered the College of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh, whence he was graduated in class of 1901. He then went west and spent six months in Los Angeles, California, returning to Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and on April 13, 1903, became manager of a drug store in Brownsville, in which city he is now established in a successful business. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.

He married June 23, 1904, Anna, daughter of Samuel Drum, of Roscoe, Pennsylvania. Children: Herbert Ormsby, born June 16, 1906; Allen Wilson, November 7, 1910.

Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.

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