Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, 1912

Hagans Family Biography

This branch of the Hagans family have been residents of Fayette county, Pennsylvania, for many years. Frank S. Hagans, born in Fayette county, was for many years a shoe merchant of Uniontown, and is now living retired in that city. He married Violet Collins, also a native of Fayette county. Children: Joseph S., of whom further; Mary, Lucretia and Margaret.

(II) Joseph S., only son of Frank S. and Violet (Collins) Hagans, was born in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, June 5, 1890. He was educated in the public schools, and grew to manhood in his native city, of which he is still a resident. He began business life as a reporter on the Morning Herald before he had completed his school years, and after leaving school continued as such until 1911.

He had always been interested in photography and ranked high in amateur circles devoted to that pastime. Later he decided to become a professional and made proper, preparation at Effingham (Illinois) College of Photography during the summer of 1911, continuing there until January, 1912. He then returned to Uniontown, where he succeeded Miss Edith A. Ritenour in the ownership of the Ritenour studio and has maintained the high reputation that studio has always held. The promise of his amateur days has been fulfilled and he has no superiors in his art. He is a Republican in politics, and is active in church work, belonging to Great Bethel Baptist Church of Uniontown.

Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.

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