Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, 1912
Goff Family Biography
This family is of French descent, the great-grandfather of Simeon T. Goff being one of a family of five brothers who came from France settling in Virginia, near the present town of Rowlesburg, West Virginia. He also lived for a time in Maryland, where at least one son was born. (II) George B. Goff, son of one of the five Goff brothers who emigrated from France, was born near Frederick, Maryland, in 1808, died in California, Pennsylvania, February 15, 1888. He was a miller by trade and during his long life operated many mills in Fayette county, including the old Beeson mill in Uniontown and the Redstone Creek Mill. He married Margaret Pierson, born April 4, 1817, died in February, 1887. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Children: Levi; Thomas; James E., of whom further; Mary Jane; Bhoebe; Harriet; Althea; Joseph, These children are all deceased except Thomas, who is engaged in lead mining in Missouri; James E., and Phoebe, who live in California.
(III) James Estep, son of George B. and Margaret (Piersol) Goff, was born at Scott's Lane, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, June 25, 1842. He was educated in the public schools and learned the milling business in different localities in Fayette county; was seven years steamboating on the Monongahela and Ohio rivers; was engineer in different coal fields, and is now living retired at Hopwood, Fayette county. He is a Democrat in politics; was elected justice of the peace, but never qualified or served.
He married Ellen, born in Southampton, England, daughter of Daniel Varndell, who came to the United States in 1851; was a wagoner and died at Washington Springs, Pennsylvania, at the age of seventy-three years. He married Charlotte Sate, and their living children are: 1. Maria, married Frank Taylor, whom she survives, a resident of Hopwood, 2. Elizabeth, married Nathan Morgan, now living retired in Hopwood. 3. Richard, married Sarah Wilson and resides in Hopwood. 4. Ellen (of previous mention), wife of James E. Goff. Children of James E. and Ellen Goff: 1. Levi, died in infancy. 2. Alice, married Frank Smith, a market gardener; now living in Sheridan, Wyoming. 3. Simeon T., of whom further. 4. Minnie, married William Doyle. 5. Margaret, married Benjamin F. Barnes, a fire boss in the mines, now living at Hopwood. 6. Laura, married Perry Roby, a coal miner, now living in Hopwood. 7. Franklin, married Eva Carmes; lives at Orient mines, near Brownsville, Pennsylvania. 8. Ray Linn, a mine foreman; now living in Uniontown, Pennsylvania; married Elizabeth Dawson. 9. Florence, died in infancy. 10. Jennie, died aged four years. 11. Edna, died in infancy. 12. Bessie Ellen, married R. E. Walters. The mother of these children is also living at Hopwood, aged sixty-six years. She and her husband are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he was a trustee for several years.
(IV) Simeon Thomas, third child of James Estep and Ellen (Varndell) Goff, was born at Smithfield, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, August 26, 1867. He was educated in the public schools and after completing his studies became a stationary engineer; later a clerk, and since 1900 has been manager of the general store of W. A. Stone. He was appointed postmaster of Hopwood in 1909 and is still filling that position in connection with his duties as manager. In polities he is an independent voter, selecting the candidates for fitness, rather than party. He is a member of Fayette Lodge, No. 228, Free and Accepted Masons, which he served as chaplain; Uniontown Lodge of Perfection and Pittsburgh Cousistory, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, in which he has attained the thirty-second degree. He is a member of the Methodist Protestant church, as is his wife.
He married, March 14, 1888, Emma H., born in Hopwood, April 15, 1870, daughter of Perry G. White, born in Cumberland, Maryland, toll-gate keeper on the national road for forty years, died in Hopwood in 1886; married Maria Minerd, born in Wharton township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania; children: Emma H. (of previous mention); Anna, married Joseph Hopwood, a farmer and lives in Hopwood, Pennsylvania; Hannah, married Isaac Wortman, a conductor on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, residing in Pittsburgh; George H., a foreman of Block Signal Service, married Ella Daugherty, resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Joseph; Jane and Robert, deceased. Children of Simeon T, and Emma H. (White) Goff; 1. Maude A., born June 19, 1889; married John P. Oliver and resides in Uniontown. 2. Lee R., born January 15, 1891, living at home.
Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.
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