Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, 1912
Farrell Family Biography
This family came to Fayette county from Monongalia county, West Virginia. The founder in that county was Michael Farrell, son of William Farrell, of Longford, Ireland, born 1781, who lived and died in his native land, married and left issue.
(II) Michael Farrell was born in Longford, Ireland, in 1818, died in West Virginia in 1900. He grew up in his native land, following the occupation of a farmer. In September, 1838, he came to the United States, and after some changes settled in Monongalia county, now West Virginia, where he owned a farm and lived until his death. During the war between the states he enlisted in the Union army, serving in a West Virginia regiment for three years. He married Mary Rubel, born in Monongalia county, January 5, 1821, died 1902, daughter of Jacob and Ruth (Rhodes) Rubel, old settlers of that county. Children: James, of whom further; Mary.
(III) James, son of Michael and Mary (Rubel) Farrell, was born in Monongalia county, West Virginia (then Virginia), July 14, 1844. He attended the public schools of the county, then supported by subscription, and finished his studies at Allegheny Academy, Cumberland, Maryland. He was a farmer in his youth, but after graduation became a teacher, following that profession in West Virginia schools for twenty-one years. He later came to Fayette county, Pennsylvania, where he continued teaching for fifteen years in the county schools. In the year 1900 he was elected justice of the peace in Fairchance, which office he yet retains. He was a talented, successful instructor of youth and filled with credit many important teaching positions.
He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Presbyterian church, with which he has been connected for many years. "Squire" Farrell is well known in his district as a just and honorable man, filling most efficiently the important office of justice. This office in the mining regions is of great importance as the foreigners have a deep respect for the law and depend upon the "Squire" to see that their disputes are fairly settled, and seek him for advice on many matters, to them of great moment. An unscrupulous justice has many opportunities to extort money from them unlawfully but safely, but in Squire Farrell's court they are protected, not victimized. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, having served in the chairs of both orders.
He married -. Children: 1. Perry, born January 22, 1874; married Kate McPhale; children; James, George and Donold. 2. Mary Lou, born March 2, 1876; married Henry Morrison, of Uniontown. 3. Charles, born May 26, 1878; married Sarah McCarty. 4. Sallie, born March 24, 1884.
Source: Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, John W. Jordan, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1912.
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