History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, 1884
Lewis Bush Biography
Lewis Bush, meat market, Erie, was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, in 1824. He came to America in 1846, locating in New York City, but afterward went to Schuylkill Co. , Penn. , and carried on a meat market until 1876, when he came here and established his present business.
Our subject was united in marriage, in 1851, with Catharine Schneider, who was born and reared in Northumberland Co., Penn. This union has been blessed with four sons and three daughters - Charles F., Aaron F., H. Astor, Elmer Louis, Mollie, Helen and Katie. The family are members of the German Lutheran Church.
Source: History of Erie County, Pennsylvania; City of Erie; Chicago; Warner, Beers & Co.; 1884
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