History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, 1884
Charles Aichner Biography
Dr. Charles Aichner, 1620 Sassafras St., Erie, was born in Switzerland in 1829. After absolving the Gymnasium, lie took up medicine when twenty years old, in the University of Basle, graduated in the year 1856, and practiced his profession in his native land until 1860.
When he located at Erie, Penn., and has since been very reputably connected with the practice of his profession.
He married in Erie, in 1860, Louisa Blass, a native of Bavaria, who has borne him four sons and five daughters - Caroline, Charles, Olga, Emma, Oscar, Eda, Otto, Elma and Gustave.
Source: History of Erie County, Pennsylvania; City of Erie; Chicago; Warner, Beers & Co.; 1884
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