History of Clarion County, Pennsylvania, 1887
Honorable J. H. Wilson Biography
Honorable J.H. Wilson was born in 1841, in Monroe township, Clarion county, on the farm where he lives, and which he has owned for a number of years. He received his education in the public schools of Monroe township and in Reid Institute, at Reidsburg, Pa. At sixteen he began teaching in the public schools, and followed that vocation until he was twenty years of age. Afterwards he engaged in the mercantile business, in which he continued for ten years.
In 1874 Mr. Wilson was elected a member of the House of Representatives in the Pennsylvania Legislature, and served two terms. For a number of years he has been a successful farmer, while at the same time he has extended his operations in other lines of business, which gave him a large acquaintance in this and adjoining counties.
In 1886 Mr. Wilson was nominated and elected State senator for the Thirty-eighth senatorial district, consisting of the counties of Cameron, Clarion, Elk and Forest. During the biennial session of 1887, just closed, he has served his constituents faithfully, and won the confidence and esteem of the people and his fellow senators.
His course in the performance of his legislative duties was such as to enable him to obtain for his constituents the enactment of such laws as they desired without delay of their bills either in committee or elsewhere, and thus he has proven himself useful to his people, as well as capable.
On September 18, 1866, Mr. Wilson married Miss Minerva J. Frampton, daughter of Samuel Frampton, and the years that have passed brought them conjugal happiness and worldly prosperity. Seven children, four boys and three girls have blessed this union.
Source: History of Clarion County; Davis, A. J.; Syracuse, NY; D. Mason and Co., 1887.
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