History of Clarion County, Pennsylvania, 1887
John R. Strattan Biography
John R. Strattan, son of John and Sarah Strattan, was born near Haddanfield, N.J., October 21, 1807. He came with his father to what is now Strattanville in 1826, the village taking its name from this family.
John Strattan, Sr., was of English descent. After leaving the State of New Jersey he came to Ridgeway, Elk county, Pa., then a howling wilderness, where he remained about two years before coming to Clarion county, Pa. He bought the tract of land on which Strattanville now stands, from Philip Clover, September 15, 1826, and laid out the plan for the town in 1828.
He was married twice. His second wife lived several years after his death. John R. was a son of his first wife, and Joseph S., who is still living, being at present seventy-three years of age, was born to his second wife. Mr. Strattan died in Strattanville March 26, 1857, in his eighty-fourth year. While on his death bed he offered a prayer for his wife and children. He had it written in order to leave them something to ponder over and look upon when he was gone. In his prayer he expressed his trust in the Savior, and committed his family to the love and care of Him who gave them life. He was an honest and upright business man, and a useful man in the, village bearing his name.
John R. Strattan, the subject of this sketch, married Mary Ann Barber, August 26, 1830. They had only one child, Charles B., who is yet living. On October 15, 1873, he married Emma Forguson, his first wife having died September 8, 1872, at the age of sixty-six years. This union was blessed with two sons, Harry F. and Curtis F., who are both live at present.
Mr. Strattan followed farming in the early part of his life. He taught school in Strattanville during the winter of 1845 - 46, and was justice of the peace for several years. In 1846 he engaged in the mercantile business in Strattanville, and continued thus engaged until 1873, when the store was transferred to his son, Dr. C.B. Strattan, who owns it at present. He was a heavy stockholder and a director in the First National Bank in Clarion at the time of his death, which occurred in Strattanville, January 8, 1881.
Source: History of Clarion County; Davis, A. J.; Syracuse, NY; D. Mason and Co., 1887.
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