History of Clarion County, Pennsylvania, 1887
Frank J. Ross, M.D. Biography
J. Frank Ross, M.D. was born in Clarion, Pa., January 27, 1844. After acquiring such an education as was afforded by the public schools of Clarion, he took an academic course at Elder's Ridge Academy, Indiana county, Pa., and upon graduating from this institution returned home and began the study of medicine in the office of his father, Dr. James Ross.
Later he attended lectures at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in March, 1868, and entering upon his professional career in his native town the same year. Here he has remained ever since, enjoying a large and lucrative practice, extending over the greater portion of the county.
Dr. Ross is a member of the Clarion County Medical Society, also of the State Medical Society, and the American Medical Association. During the Centennial year he was elected vice-president of the State Medical Society at its meeting held in Philadelphia. He is Assistant Medical Director of the P. and W.R.R., and has been president of the Board of Examining Surgeons for Pensions, located at Clarion, ever since the organization of the board.
June 12, 1877, Dr. Ross was married to Miss Sadie Markillie, of Hudson, O. This union has been blessed with two interesting daughters - Alice B. and Mary M. Ross.
Source: History of Clarion County; Davis, A. J.; Syracuse, NY; D. Mason and Co., 1887.
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