History of Clarion County, Pennsylvania, 1887
Samuel Lowry Biography
Samuel Lowry was born in County Down, Ireland, May 9, 1809. On his fourteenth birthday, May 9, 1823, he set sail, in company with his parents, for America. After a very tempestuous voyage upon the sea, and encountering many difficulties in crossing the State, they landed in Redbank township, now Clarion county, April 8, 1824. His father purchased the farm now owned by Samuel Bowersox, and located in Porter township. Samuel Lowry passed his youth at this place, working upon the farm. He was bound out as an apprentice to a carpenter in Kittanning. After completing his trade he worked in Pittsburgh for six weeks, and went from thereto Butler, Pa. While there he married Eliza Barnhart, March 12, 1835. Three children have been born to them, Mary Ellen, Susannah, and Ann Eliza. Susannah died January 3, 1845, and Ann Eliza April 15, 1858.
He purchased 185 acres of land adjoining his father's farm, from John H. Brodhead, November 9, 1835. After purchasing the farm, he worked at Butler and the "Great Western" until the farm was paid for, when he moved on it and followed farming until the breaking out of the Rebellion. He enlisted in the Seventy-eighth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, and remained with the army during the war. He was severely wounded between two mules, and suffers yet from the effects; also slightly wounded at the battle of Stone River. At the close of the war he returned to the farm and continued farming until after the death of Mrs. Lowry, which occurred March 14, 1882. He purchased property in New Bethlehem, and moved there March 17, 1885, living with his daughter, the only remaining member of his family. One sister is the only remaining member, besides himself of his father's family.
Source: History of Clarion County; Davis, A. J.; Syracuse, NY; D. Mason and Co., 1887.
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