History of Clarion County, Pennsylvania, 1887
Charles Kaufman Biography
Perhaps no man in Clarion borough has been more closely connected with the material prosperity and advancement of the place than the subject of this sketch. Born on the 18th day of November, 1832, in the village of Neckar Binau, Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, of Jewish parents, where he resided until his twentieth year. At the age of fourteen years he taught a private school, and at sixteen a public school in his native place. This early training in the educational work no doubt infused into him that spirit of vigor in working for the advancement of the public schools of the borough which he has always shown, and that so frequently has received the recognition of his fellow citizens.
In his twentieth year he emigrated to the United States, arriving at Pittsburgh in August, 1852. He remained in that vicinity until 1853, when he settled in Clarion. In November of that year he started a clothing store on Main street, where he continued in the business until the war, when he engaged in general merchandising, to which he added a lumber yard in 1865, and in 1879 still further expanded his already extensive business by adding tobacco and cigars at wholesale, supplying many of the merchants of this and surrounding counties with these articles. In deed it has long been a common saying that there is nothing he cannot sell you, nor is there anything that he will not buy. In 1854 he joined Clarion Lodge I.O.O.F., and in 1856 the Masonic Lodge. In both of these lodges he still retains an active membership, having been frequently elected to offices of honor and trust in both. At present he is, and has been for fifteen years, secretary of the Masonic Lodge and treasurer of the lodge of Odd Fellows.
He has been connected with the First National Bank of Clarion since its organization in 1865, as one of its directors, and for years its vice-president. He has been the president of the Clarion County Mutual Fire Insurance Company since 1875, and also president or director of the Clarion Water Company since its organization in 1875. He is a stockholder in the Natural Gaslight and Heat Company, and in the Agricultural Association, being treasurer of the latter company. He was the only agent for the different express companies that transacted business at Clarion until 1884, when the P. and W. Railroad Company went into the express business itself and refused to carry for other companies.
He has been an acting member of the school board for a number of years, and has frequently served as a member of the town council. He is usually court interpreter in causes where witnesses are able to use only the German language, and attorney in fact for the majority of those here having business to transact in Germany, or for those there having personal or business interests here.
Although a very busy man, Charley Kaufman, as he is familiarly known throughout the county, is always ready to do a favor or accommodate a friend or customer. He has made his adopted country completely his own, and has never been found wanting; by voice or deed in any public enterprise or good work. His large family has been brought up in accordance with the spirit of American free institutions, and with the customs of the land.
Source: History of Clarion County; Davis, A. J.; Syracuse, NY; D. Mason and Co., 1887.
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