Honorable W. W. Barr was born in Penn's Valley, Centre county, on the 15th day of February, 1827. In early life he worked on a farm and attended the public schools, and later attended Dickinson Seminary at Williamsport, Pa. In August, 1850 he commenced the study of law in the office of Joseph Alexander, Esq., at Lewistown, Mifflin county, Pa., and two years afterwards was admitted to the bar of that county.
In April, 1853 he removed to Clarion, and began the practice of law, and soon acquired a lucrative business. After a residence here of one year Mr. Barr was elected district attorney of the county, and was re-elected in 1857. In 1861 he was elected county treasurer of Clarion county, serving two years, and in 1864 was elected a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature. He was re-elected in 1865 and served two full terms. He was again elected district attorney in 1869, and re-elected in 1872, having served in that office four terms, covering twelve years. He also served many years as a member of the town council of Clarion. In all these positions he served with integrity and ability.
In politics Mr. Barr has always been a Democrat, and an active worker. He was chairman of the County Committee as early as 1856 and has served in the same capacity several times since, as well as in that of delegate to County and State conventions. He has also on several occasions been a member of the State Central Committee of his party.
Mr. Barr has been a Mason since 1854, being a member of the lodge in Clarion. He served as master during the years 1859, '64, and '68, and was District Deputy Grand Master for the district composed of the counties of Armstrong, Cambria, Clarion, Indiana, and Jefferson, for the years 1868, '69, and '70, and has always been a close attendant on the meetings of the lodge, and taken an interest in the success of the fraternity.
On the 31St of March, 1859 he married Mary, daughter of Dr. J.T. Pritner, of Clarion. Two children, a son and a daughter, have blessed this union. The son died in infancy, and the daughter is married to W.A. Hetzel, of Allegheny.
Mr. Barr assisted in the organization of the first agricultural society in Clarion county, and was the first secretary of that association. For a number of years he has been a trustee of the Presbyterian Church of Clarion, and has been liberal in his contributions for charitable purposes.
Before the war, Captain Barr commanded a military company, and thus acquired the title by which he is generally known. In manner Mr. Barr is modest and pleasant, having a kind word for all whom he meets. These traits have made him many friends. Having earned the money to pay for his education, he may, truly be said to be a self-made man. By close application to business and judicious investments, he has gained a moderate competence, and his fair dealing has placed him in the front rank among the substantial business men of Clarion.
Source: History of Clarion County; Davis, A. J.; Syracuse, NY; D. Mason and Co., 1887.