History of Centre and Clinton County, Pennsylvania, 1893

James Alexander Biography

James Alexander, died at Milesburg on the 10th of August, 1875, aged eighty-seven years. Mr. Alexander was born in Cecil County, Md., on the 11th day of January, 1788, and at the time of his death was eighty-seven years seven months and five days old. He moved with his father, William Alexander, to Mifflin County, Pa. In April, 1809, he moved again with his father to Bald Eagle valley, Centre Co., Pa.

He united with the Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, of which the Rev. James Linn, D.D., was then pastor, about the year 1812. Thus for sixty-three years be was a faithful follower of Christ.

He married Miss Eleanor Blair, of Milesburg, Dec. 23, 1813, whom he survived seven years and four months. They had no children of their own, but raised many.

He was elected to the office of ruling elder in the church of Bellefonte during Mr. Linn's time, and continued in office during the pastorate of Rev. Joseph Barnard, and part of that of Rev. A. Yeomans, during whose time Mr. Alexander and seventeen others were dismissed from the Bellefonte Church and constituted the church of Milesburg. On the same day (March 5, 1868) he was elected and installed ruling elder of said church, which position he filled faithfully till the time of his death.

Source: History of Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania; John Blair Linn; Philadelphia; Louis H. Everts; 1883.

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