History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1887

John Bissey Biography

John S. Bissey, farmer, P. O. Bedminster, was born in Rockhill township, May 6, 1861. His grandfather was Tobias Bissey, who was born in Hilltown, but who later in life removed to Rockhill.

He worked at carpet-weaving and is now living a retired life, being over 80 years of age. His wife was a Driesbach and died more than thirty years ago.

They had three children, of whom two are living Sophia, wife of Elias Naco, near Quakertown, and Jacob, who is the father of John S. He was born In Rockhill, where he is still living. He is an industrious farmer and has accumulated a goodly property. He is a member of the Lutheran church, of which he has been deacon. Hls wife is Annie Shettler, who was born on the farm where they now live. Their children are : Elemanda, living with her parents; Isaiah, in Lansdale; Herman, a physician in Philadelphia; Tobias, living in Perkasie; Francis deceased; and John S., who was second in order of birth. He remained with his parents until his marriage, when he removed to the home of his wife in Bedminsterville, where they now reside. August 26, 1878, ho was married to Louisa, only child of Rebuff and Eliza Ann Stover, of this township. She was born March 2, 1856. Three children have been born to them : Clare, Alvin, and Sadie, the last of whom is deceased. Still a young man Mr. Bissey has before him the possibility of a long life which the respect in which he is held by those who know him promises to make one of usefulness. He and his wife are both members of the Lutheran church.

Source: History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania; J.H. Battle; Warner & Co.; 1887.

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