History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1887
John Bewighouse Biography
John Bewighouse, farmer, P. O. Bedminster, Is a younger son of Christian, and was born October 16 1827, in the house where he now lives and which he has never left. His whole life has been spent as a farmer, and he is a creditable representative of the sturdy, honest farmers who have given Bucks county an enviable reputation among the counties of the state.
Mr. Bewighouse's life has been an open book that all who know him may read, and he possesses the utmost confidence of his neighbors.
May 8, 1868, he was married to Sarah Kratz, of Plumstead township. They have had seven children, of whom three are deceased, viz: Christiana, Christian, and an unnamed Infant. Those living are: Sarah Ann, Rather, J. Geary, and Ella, living with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bewighouse, and three of their children are members of the Second Deep Run Mennonite church.
Source: History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania; J.H. Battle; Warner & Co.; 1887.
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