Biographical Record of Washington County
J. H. Beers & Co., 1883
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Washington County Pennsylvania
Search Washington County Bios:
Abercrombie, Chester B.
Acheson, James C.
Acheson, John Smith
Ackelson, James
Ackleson, Thomas H.
Adams, Charles W.
Adams, Joseph
Adams, Samuel
Agnew, E. J.
Agnew, James
Aiken, John
Aiken, William C.
Ailes, Isaac C.
Alexander, Rev. Adolphus F.
Alexander, Edward Graham
Alexander, Samuel
Alexander, James Sansom
Alexander, Dr. W. H.
Allen, Mrs. Eliza C.
Allen, James H.
Allen, James H.
Allen, M. R.
Allen, Mrs. Susannah
Allen, Theodore J.
Allen, Thomas F.
Allison, A. H.
Allison, Jonathan
Ames, Demas L.
The Anderson Family
Anderson, Thomas Love
Anderson, W. J.
Anderson, Willam C.
Andrew, Harvey
Andrew, John B.
Andrews, J. J.
Andrews, Jacob
Applegate, Stephen
The Archer Family
Armitage, Thomas
The Armor Family
Armstrong, Winfield Scott
Armstrong, William
Arnold, Cyrus G.
Arnold, William T.
Arnold, Wilson and Joseph
Arthur, James S.
Ashbrook, Abraham L.
Ashbrook, Absalom
Ashbrook, Samuel
Aughendobler, Adam
Aughendobler, J. L.
Axtell, Mrs. Lillie M.
Bailey, Charles A.
Bailey, Henry T.
Bailey, John
Bailey, Thomas S.
Baird, Mrs. Carla W.
Baird, George
Baird, John
Baird, Mrs. Martha
Baird, Thomas H.
Baker, Colin L.
Baker, David E.
Baker, Zachariah
Baldwin, John C.
Baldwin, Mrs. Regina
Baldwin, Silas
Baldwin, W. C.
Bamford, Robert
Bane, Aaron
Bane, Jno. C.
Banfield, Charles
Barclay, Thomas M.
Barnard, Samuel B.
Barbour, Robert T.
Barkley, James H.
Barr, John S.
Barry, William A.
Beach, Charles E.
Beall, William
Beazell, John S.
Beazell, Luke P.
Bebout, D. R.
Bebout, Ira
Bebout, William N.
Beck, John Z.
Bedall, J. K.
Bell, Capt. J. Fulton
Bell, Hamilton McKinney
Bell, James
Bell, Joseph
Bell, Mrs. Martha G.
Bell, R. B.
Bell, Mrs. Rachel
Bell, William M.
Bemis, James N., M.D.
The Bentley Brothers
Bently, Benjamin F.
Berry, Carson M.
Berry, John M.
Berry, Matthew
Berry, William
Berryhill, Alexander S.
Berryhill, T. M.
Berryman, John W.
Best, John A.
Bigger, James W.
Bigger, Thomas Moore
Birch, John
Birch, Thomas Fleming
Blachly, Stephen L., M.D.
Black, George
Black, George W.
Black, Mrs. Margaret
Black, Samuel
Black, Thomas Alexander
Blaine, Matthew
Blayney, Cadwallader
Blayney, J. S.
Blayney, Joel Patterson
Blayney, Mrs. Mary D.
Blythe, James, John and Josiah
The Boon Family
Boon, Elizabeth M.
Boon, Mrs. Mary
Boone, Mrs. Joanna
Boone, John A.
Borland, Alexander
Borland, Andrew
Borland, M. H.
Boyd, Rev. Bankhead
Boyd, David M.
Boyd, George
Boyd, Mrs. Jane
Boyer, James B.
Boyer, John W.
Boyle, E. B.
Boyle, Mrs. Elizabeth V.
Braden, Alfred G.
Braden, John D.
The Brady Family
Brady, J. L.
Breese, Israel
Brimner, William
Brockman, Manning M.
Brockman, Thomas Warrell
Broschart, Henry
Brown, Rev. Alexander Blaine, D.D.
Brown, Rev. Matthew, D.D., LL.D.
Brown, Matthew B.
Brownlee, David A.
Brownlee, Ebeneezer
Brownlee, Harry H.
Brownlee, Rev. John T., D.D.
Brownlee, Leamon J.
Brownlee, Ner O.
Brownson, Rev. James Irwin, D.D.
Bryson, Mrs. Isabel M.
Bruce, Thomas H.
Buchanan, Ebenezer
Buchanan, James S.
Buchanan, John F.
Buchanan, W. H.
Buckingham, N. B.
Buffington, Joseph
Burgan, Theodore F.
Burig, Charles H.
Burns, W. R.
Butler, Ira M.
Byers, Robert Carr, M.D.
Byers, Theodore
Caesber, Jonathan Jr.
Cain, Henry
Cain, Thomas
Caldwell, A. B.
Caldwell, Mrs. Elizabeth B.
Caldwell, James
Caldwell, Robert S.
Caldwell, William
The Cameron Family
Campbell, Arthur
Campbell, Graham S.
Campbell, Levi R.
Campbell, Capt. Samuel
Campbell, William Mason
Campbell, Wilson S.
Campsey, David McMillen
Campsey, James D.
Carlile, John S.
Carmack, S. C.
Carroll, James
Carroll, Mrs. Jane
Carrons, Robert M.
The Carson Family
The Carson Family
Carson, Jackson and Alexander S.
Carson, John B.
Carson, John I.
Carson, Leman
Carson, Samuel W.
Carson, Smith and Jerome G.
Carson, Thomas Henry, M.D.
Carter, Mrs. Ellen J.
Carter, Samuel Andrew
Cassidy, James
Castner, Samuel
Chambers, Mrs. Anica
Chambers, "Judge" James C.
Chambers, James P.
Chambers, William Buchanan
Chaney, James M.
Chapman, Alexander C.
Chapman, Henry
Charlton, John H.
Charlton, John P.
Charlton, Joseph G.
Charlton, Samuel M.
Cherry, Edward P.
Cherry, William P.
Chester, J. J.
Chester, S. T.
The Christman Family
Christman, G. H. P., M.D. (p
Chubbic, Benjamin
Clark, J. Add.
Clark, J. V.
Clark, Hon. James Murray
Clark, Joseph M.
Clarke, Cornelius
Clarke, Jospeh Sr.
Clarke, Hervey Hindman
Claybaugh, L. T.
Cleaver, Nathan
The Cleland Family
Clokey, Joseph H.
Closser, John and Demas
Clutter, John Patterson
Clutter, Samuel
Coatsworth, Joseph
The Coffey Family
Coffey, George W.
Coffield, Joshua
Coleman, James Harvey
Colvin, Abram
Colwell, Albert R.
Condit, William C.
Conklin, Henry M.
Conklin, William Allison
Conn, George W.
Conner, Samuel
Connett, Isaac Newton
Conrad, Henry
Conrad, John
Cook, John
Cook, Henry
Cooke, Xenophon
Cool, Christopher Columbus
Cooley, Robert S.
Cooper, Frederick W.
Cooper, Henry Clay
Cooper, James
Cooper, John F.
Cooper, Jonas
Cooper, William
Coulson, Martin
Coulter, Robert
Coulter, William
Courson, William T.
Coventry, Jarrett
Coventry, William
The Cowden Family
Cowden, Isaac P.
Cowden, John
Cox, Noah
Craft, David
Craft, Samuel W.
Craft, William S.
Craft, William E.
Crall, Isaac Shelby
Craig, Hon. Alex K.
Craig, Charles M.
Craig, James
Craig, Martin Bom
Craig, Robert D.
Craig, Thomas B.
Cramer, J. Howard
Craven, Frank
Cravin, W. C.
Crawford, Andrew
Crawford, Emmor M. G.
Crawford, James
Crawford, R. H.
Creswell, Samuel
Criss, Rittenhouse
Criswell, Robert W.
Crothers, S. J.
Crothers, W. F.
Crothers, William B.
Crouch, Isaac T.
Crouch, J. C.
Crouse, Matthew H.
Crow, Clark
Crumrine, Abraham
Crumrine, Boyd
Crumrine, John Elwood
Cubbage, John
Culbertson, Alexander J.
Culley, John
Culley, Joseph S.
Cummins, A. W.
Cundall, Edward G.
Cunningham, George
Cunningham, John
Cunningham, Joseph Ritner
Curry, Joseph Moore
Curry, Philip
Dague, Dewalt
Dague, Levi
Dague, William Henry
Danley, John Scott
Darragh, Archibald
Darrah, John Patrick
Daugherty, Edward H.
Daugherty, Michael
Davis, Hamilton
Davis, Robert W., M.D.
Davis, W. H.
Davis, William
Dawson, James M.
Day, Bethuel
Day, Daniel
Day, Daniel
Day, Henry Stephen
Day, James Theodore
Day, John Miller
Day, John Wiley
Day, Leroy Woods
Day, Stephen B.
Deeds, Isaac J.
Deems, Elmer R.
Deems, George R.
DeGarmo, William
Denney, William, M.D.
Dennison, E. H.
Denniston, William
Denny, Walter
Denny, Wilson T.
Devore, Alexander
Devore, William
Dickerson, Joshua
Dickerson, William H.
Dickie, John A.
Dickson, James Glenn M.D.
Dickson, Joseph M.
Dickson, William A.
Dille, Daniel
Dille, Jess M.
Dinsmore, William Malcolm
Dinsmore, William W.
Dodd, Dr. E. F.
Dodd, W. L., M.D.
Dodd, Dr. William S.
Dodds, R. W.
Donahey, Samuel
The Donaldson Family
Donaldson, Andrew B.
Donaldson, J. M. K.
Donaldson, Jacob M. and Robert S.
Donaldson, Dr. John B.
Donaldson, Joseph B.
Donaldson, J. W.
Donaldson, Dr. W. B.
Donley, David V.
Donley, William
Dorsey, George
Dougherty, George A. M.D.
Driehorst, Charles L.
Dunbar, John
Dunbar, Mrs. Margeret
Dunbar, William
Duncan, Daniel
Duncan, Thomas Jefferson
Dunlap, E. N.
Dunlevy, Jehu
Dunn, Daniel
Dunn, John M.
Dunn, Morgan L.
Dunn, Samuel
Dunn, William L.
Duvall, A. B.
Duvall, George W.
Duvall, James M.
Duvall, Jefferson P.
Duvall, Louis
Ealy, John Nelson
Ealy, Mrs. Nancy
Ealy, Jonathan
Earnest, Henry
The Eberman Family
Elliott, Abram
Elliott, William J.
Elwood, Robert J.
Ely, Jonas, M.D.
Emery, Boyd A., M.D.
Emery, E. G.
Emery, Robert
England, Amon
Engle, Wilbert
Enlow, John M.
Espey, J. S.
Espy, George M.
Ewing, Hon. John Hoge
Ewing, William
Farabee, Benjamin
The Farley Family
Fee, David Hamilton
Fee, John
Fergus, Samuel P.
Fergus, Thomas
Ferguson, Adam S.
Ferguson, James H.
Ferguson, John W.
Finley, Dr. F. M.
Finley, Hon. John Barclay
Finley, John A.
Fitzwilliam, Richard M.
Flack, John
Flack, John A.
Flack, Salem
Flick, William B.
Ford, Andrew J.
Forest, Robert R. and Richard R.
Forgie, William
Forsyth, Thomas
Forsythe, James S.
Frazee, Demas M.
Frazee, John A.
Frazier, William H.
French, Enoch
French, John Calvin
Freshwater, John
Frye, John
Frye, Reazen
Frye, Robert B.
Frye, Samuel
Fry, Smith
The Fulton Family
Fulton, David M.
Fulton, David S.
Fulton, John M.
Fulton, Samuel Greenlee
Fulton, W. P.
The Furnier Family
Gabby, Frank M.
Gabby, William A.
Galbraith, William
Galbraith, Alexander W.
Galbraith, W. K.
Gardner, Mrs. Elizabeth
Gardner, John
Garrett, Cephas
Garrett, John
Garrett, Samuel
Gaston, William Lougeay
Gault, Alexander
Gault, David
Gault, David W.
Gault, John A.
Gayman, G. G.
Gee, R. M.
George, John J.
George, Samuel
George, William M.
Ghrist, Samuel J.
Gibson, Jacob
Giffin, J. W.
Gilfillan, William, M.D.
Gillespie, Mrs. Nancy
Gillespie, Mrs. Sarah E.
Gilliland, Adams
Gilmore, Noah F.
Gladden, J. R.
Gladden, Richard
Glass, Hugh M.
Gordon, John
Gourley, John
Gow, John Loudon
Gowern Brothers
Grable, John M.
Grable, Mary Ann
Graham, Hon. George S., M.D.
The Grayson Family
Greenlee, Benjamin F.
Greenlee, Lewis
Greer, M. T.
Gregg, A. J.
Gregg, Aaron Thomas
Gregg, Ella M.
Gregg, J. H.
Gregg, R. W.
Gregg, W. H.
Gregg, William
Gregg, William S.
Grier, James
Griffith, Addison A.
Griffith, Elmor H.
Griffith, John M.
Grimes, Andrew
Grimes, Thomas
Grimes, W. C.
Grimes, William S.
Gundlach, Wilhelm H.
Gunn, Alexander A.
Hackaress, Michael
Hagerty, David
Haggarty, Robert
Haggerty, Robert W.
Hainer, John B.
Hair, Abraham
Haley, Silas
The Hallam Family
The Hamilton Family
Hamilton, James
Hamilton, James B.
Hamilton, John H.
Hamilton, Park J.
Hamilton, Thomas G.
Hamilton, R. D.
Hanlin, A. M.
Hanlin, Francis
Hanlin, William
Hanna, J. G.
Hanna James
Hanna, John V.
Hanna, Hugh M.D.
Harding, Vachel
Hare, Timothy
Harper, Major Andrew Gardner
Harper, Mrs. Violet G.
Harrison, Joseph
Harrison, Mrs. Margaret A.
Hart, George Scott
Hart, James Gibson
Harvey, John Culbertson
Hastings, William P.
Hathaway, A. N.
Hawkins, Joseph
Hawkins, Robert
Hawkins, Sarah D.
Hawkins, Theophilus
Hayburn, Joseph
Hayes, Morgan
Hayes, Sheldon B.
Hays, Abia Minor
Hays, Alexander S.
Hays, George W.
Hays, James S.
Hays, John B.
Hazlett, Robert
Hazlett, William
Hazzard, Col. Chillon Washburne
Hemphill, James T.
(w) Henderson, J. R. 551)
Henderson, Joseph
Henderson, Rev. Matthew
Henry, A. L.
Henry, Joseph N.
Henry, Lewis A.
Henry, Robert D.
Herron, James
Herron, James
Herron, John
Herron, Joseph Alexander
Herron, Robert
Hertig, Sylvester
Hertzog, Prof. G. G.
Hervey, James M.
The Heslep Family
Hess, A. J.
Hickman, James P.
Higbee, David
Hildebrand, Eli H.
Hildebrand, Henry Wesley
Hill, Demas L.
Hill, John H.
Hill, Robert H.
Hill, William H.
Hilton, Thomas F.
Hindman, Samuel
Hindman, Thomas A.
Hixon, Thomas B.
Hodgens, Isaac
Hodgens, James
Hodgens, James W.
Hoffman, John J.
Holmes, George Young
Holmes, Robert C.
Hood, Mrs. Margaret
Hootman, Anderson
Hootman, Christian
Hootman, Robert C.
The Hopkins Family
Horn, Isaac
Horn, John
Horn, William M.
Horner, Hiram
Horner, William G.
Houston, S. H.
Houston, William Boyle
Howarth, Jospeh
Howe, James Johnston
Huggins, Butler
Hughes, James M.
Hughes, James W.
Hughes, John
Hughes, John H.
Hughes, Workman
Hunter, James J.
Hunter, John A.
Hunter, Joseph S.
Hunter, Thomas C.
Hunter, William W.
Huston, James D.
Hutchison, William M.
Iams, William
Imhoff, Samuel C.
Irvin, John
Irwin, Robert W.
Irwin, Thomas Weir
Irwin, William C.
Irwin, William P.
Jackman, Bernard C.
Jackman, Mrs. Jemima
Jackman, S. T.
Jackman, William W.
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, J. Dallas
Jackson, Joseph E.
Jackson, W. W.
Jeffrey, Joseph P.
The Jeffries Family
Jeffries, Benjamin F.
Johnson, John G.
Johnson, Parker S.
Johnson, R. V.
Johnston, James
Johnston, James
Johnston, Robert
Johnston, William J.
The Jones Family
Jones, Ellis
Jones, Frank W.
Jones, George O.
Jones, Henry W.
Jones, James 1239)
Jones, W. H.
Kahl, J. B.
Kammerer, Frank G.
Kammerer, Joseph
Kammerer, William S.
Keenan, William
Keenan, William W.
Keeny, Henry M.
Keller, Emanuel W.
Kelly, James
Kelso, George
Kelso, J. R.
Kelso, Mark B.
Kelso, William James
Kennedy, James B.
Kennedy, John Finley
Kenney, Rev. James
Kerr, Aaron Hervey
Kerr, Andrew W.
Mrs. Jane (Lee)
Kerr, Josiah
Kerr, William
Keys, Mrs. Delila
Keys, Enoch
Keys, Joseph
Keys, Mrs. Mary
Keys, R. S. H., M.D.
Kidd, Mrs. Eliza Jane
Kimmons, A. W.
Kinder, C. L.
Kinder, George
Kinder, Harvey H.
Kinder, Louis
King, Mrs. Elizabeth
King, William Calvin
Kirk, Col. James T.
Knox, John
Knox, Robert
Knox, William
Krepps, M. S.
Kuntz, James W.
Kuntz, Michael G.
Lacock, Ira I.
Lacock, John V.
Lacock, Samuel A., M.D.
Laird, John
Lamb, Henry H.
Landefeld, Henry
Lawrence, G. V.
Lawther, J. P.
Lawton, Arnold
Lawton, John
Leadbeter, Isaac
Letherman, John A., M.D.
Lee, Mrs. Jane Ann
Lee, William S.
Leech, Joseph P.
Leech, Pressly
Legler, Jacob
Le Moyne, Dr. Francis Julius
Leonard, John R.
Leonard, William
Lester, Rev. William H.
Lewis, David H. M.D.
Leyda, Harrison
Leyda, Helon B.
Libbey, William B.
Liggett, Charlton M.
Liggett, John S.
Liggett, William
Lilley, E. N.
Lilley, Thomas
Lindley, B. C.
Lindley, Demas
Lindley, Harvey
Lindley, Samuel B.
Linn, Alonzo
Linn, George Armstrong M.D.
Linn, Lewis
Linn, Samuel
The Linton Family
Linton, Oliver M.
Linville, Wilson
Litle, Robert
Little, Alexander H.
Little, J. A.
Little, Joseph H., M.D.
Lockhart, George E.
Lofink, John C.
Logan, Samuel
Long, George Jefferson
Long, James Edward, M.D.
Long, W. K.
Luellen, George W.
Lusk, James H.
Lyle, James Jefferson
Lyon, O. F.
Lyon, Thomas H.
Lytle, Isaac
Lytle, Isaac N.
Maldoon, John
Manes, John P.
Manes, Joseph V.
Manifold, Robert
Margerum, J. Shan
Marks, Samuel Alexander
Marquis, James Taggart
Marquis, Rev. John S., D.D.
Marsh, Col. L. M.
Marshall, Miss Ann C.
The Martin Family
The Martin Family
Martin, James
Martin, John Iames
Martin, John G.
Martin, Morgan
Martin, Peter
Martin, Samuel T.
Martin, William
Martin, William
Martin, William H.
Martindell, Thomas
Matthews, James C.
Matthews, Marshal
Mathews, William J.
Maurer, J. Morgan, M.D.
Maxwell, Samuel
McAdam, D. J.
McAdoo, John
McBride, Daniel S.
McBride, John Bavington
McBride, John C.
The McBurney Family
McBurney, James M.
McCabe, John
McCalmont, Alexander
McCalmont, James P.
McCalmont, John A.
McCalmont, S. A.
McCarrell, David M., M.D.
McCarrell, Lodowick
McCarty, Thomas D.
McCasland, William
McClain, Samuel C.
McClain, William N.
McClay, David
McClay, J. F.
McClay, John
McClay, Robert Horace
McClay, Samuel
McClay, William A.
McCleary, Lewis Calvin
McCleary, William L.
McCleery, Alexander
McCleery, James
The McClelland Family
McClelland, J. C.
McClelland, Thomas
McClelland, Thomas J.
McClure, David
The McClurg Family
(w) McCollum, William C. 551)
McConaughy, Matthew
McConnel, Alexander
McConnell, Alexander
McConnell, E. W.
McConnell, Matthew F.
McConnell, Samuel M.
McConnell, William
McCorkle, John
McCorkle, Thomas Borland
McCorkle, William B.
McCormick, James and Leander
McCormick, John G.
McCoy, Alexander
McCoy, John
McCoy, Samuel
The McCracken Family
McCracken, Jonas C.
McCready, Mrs. Margaret
McCready, Robert
McCreight, Smith
McCrerey, William
McCrory, Lewis F.
McCullough, Dr. J. C.
McCullough, Robert S.
McCullough, William Mc.
McCutchen, James Shannon
McDonald, Andrew
McDonald, Rev. George
McDonald, John James C. and Noble
McDonald, John N.
McDonnell, David
McDonough, Henry
McDonough, Henry H., M.D.
McDonough, Thomas
McDowell, Hugh
McDowell, Jacob F.
McDowell, James W.
McDowell, Joseph
McElhaney, William M.
McFarland, Samuel
McGahey, Thomas
McGiffan, James Q.
McGough, John L.
McGowen, James H.
McGowan, Thomas
McIlvain, Charles G.
McIlvain, Greer
McIlvain, Robert Campbell
McIlvaine, James
McIlvaine, James A.
McIlvaine, Hon. John A.
McIlvaine, John M.
McIlvaine, Winfield
McKean, A. C.
McKean, John A. M.D.
McKean, John C.
McKean, Robert
McKean, Thomas
McKee, Mrs. Catherine
McKee, James
McKee, Rev. William
McKennan, Thomas M.D.
McKennan, Judge William
McKennan, William B.
McKinley, Alexander
McKnight, H. O.
McKnight, Joseph
McLain, Joseph Rankin
McLean, Squire Henry B.
McMannis, Greer
McMannis, John
McMillan, John K.
McMillan, Robert
McMurray, Frederick
McMurray, Henry B.
McMurray, Hervey
McMurray, James H.
McMurray, James M.
McMurray, Miss Lettice
McNary Family
McNary, Boyd
McNary, David E.
McNary, J. C.
McNary, J. D.
McNary, J. R.
McNary, James S.
McNary, Robert C.
McNary, Samuel
McNary, W. J.
McNary, William M.
McPeak, William
The McPeake Brothers
McPherson, John
McVay, Demas Lindely
McWilliams, Jonathan
Mealy, A. A.
Mehaffey, John
Mehaffey, Mrs. Martha
Mehaffey, Robert
Meloney, James M.
Meloy, Josiah
Melvin, Samuel J.
Mercer, M. B.
Mesta, Henry
Metcalf, John
Miles, Elijah
Miller, A. W.
Miller, Mrs. Agnes
Miller, Andrew
Miller, Calvin L.
Miller, Clinton L.
Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth J.
Miller, George H., M.D.
Miller, George M.
Miller, George Washington
Miller, Jacob
Miller, James
Miller, Julius P.
Miller, Thomas
Miller, Stephen D.
Milne, William L.
Minton, Dr. Bradley
Minton, George Washington
Minton, Mrs. Margaret
Minton, Philip Addison
Mitchell, Isaac W.
Mitchell, James K.
Moffitt, John T.
Mollenauer, August E.
Moninger, Grant
Moninger, Jacob
Moninger, Onias
Montgomery, James Buchanan
Montgomery, Hon. William
Moody, John
Moore, J. M., M.D.
Moore, J. S.
Moore, William S.
Moorhead, W. B.
Morgan, Jennie A.
Morgan, John
Morgan, John C.
Morgan, L. M.
Morgan, L. W.
Morgan, William P.
Morris, Sarah Belle
The Morrison Family
Morrison, Guyon
Morrison, James
Morrison, Henry
Morrison, P. M.
Morrison, William H.
Morrow, Albert
Morrow, Cyrus
Morrow, John C.
Morrow, John M.
Morrow, William and David
Mounts, Adam
Mounts, Isaac C.
Mounts, James A.
Mounts, James S.
Mounts, Mathias
Mounts, Richard M.
Mowry, Daniel B.
Munce, Robert J., M.D.
Munce, William J.
Munnel, Samuel
Munnell, Robert W.
The Murdoch Family
The Murray Family
Murray, George
Murray, John H.
Musser, Prof. W. J.
Myers, D. W.
Myers, David
Myers, Jerry
Neel, James
Neely, James
Neely, John
Neely, Nathaniel
Neill, James McCormick
Nelson, William
Nesbit, Robert D.
Nesbit, John W.
Nesbitt, John A.
Nichol, Thomas J.
Nicholl, John S.
Nicholls, Jesse
Nicholson, John F.
The Noble Family
Noble, John S.
Noble, Lawrence
Noble, T. C.
O'Connor, Charles
Osburn, George W.
Osburn, Robert C.
Owen, Elias D.
Owings, Welsey L.
Parcel, William
Painter, Mrs. Byron
The Park Family
Park, Robert Law
The Parkison Family
Patch, Isaac C.
Patten, N. N., M.D.
Patterson, Alexander G.
Patterson, Amos
Patterson, J. A., M.D.
Patterson, James
Patterson, James L.
Patterson, James T.
Patterson, James W.
Patterson, John S.
Patterson, Joseph
Patterson, Hugh
Patterson, Lysander
Patterson, Robert Biddle
Patterson, Robert Finley
Patterson, Robert M.
Patterson, Samuel
Patterson, Thomas M.
Patterson, Thomas M.
Patterson, William
Patterson, William
Patterson, William A.
Pattison, Thomas
Paul, Huston
Paul, William
Paul, William W.
Paxton, John G.
Paxton, William Hosack
Paxton, John G.
Pees, William
Peese, Andrew J.
Pepper, Thomas
Pershing, Lewis
Pettit, Thomas
Philips, Even E.
Philips, Joseph H.
Philips, William M.
Phillips, Capt. Robert
Phillips, W. H., M.D.
Phillis, Jacob B.
Piper, Cary
Pittman, Charles
Plants, Christian and George
Plymire, Joshua and Andrew G.
Pogue, George W.
Pogue, John G.
The Pollock Family
Pollock, Alexander W.
Pollock, James C.
Pollock, John
Poole, Arthur A.
Porter, Joseph G.
Porter, Lon M.
Porter, William L.
Post, Munson
Post, Stephen
Potts, Thomas Maxwell
Powell, Mrs. Nancy
Prall, Colin R.
Prall, Mrs. Jane B.
Preston, Clark
Price, William Walker
Prigg, Enoch D.
Prigg, James
Prigg, William
Proudfit, Andrew J.
Proudfit, John L.
Proudfit, John Presley
Proudfit, William
Provines, Andrew
Provines, James
Provines, Samuel
The Pry Family
Pry, David M.
Pry, John W.
Pry, William H.
Rabe, Hiram
Rainey, Harmon H.
Ralston, Thomas H.
Ralston, William F.
Ramsey, Thomas
Ramsey, William C.
The Rankin Family
Rankin, James E.
Rankin, Mrs. Martha
Rankin, Martin
Rea, J. V.
Rea, William M.
Redd, Mrs. Elmira
Redd, J. H.
Reed, Colin M.
Reed, James M. K.
Reed, John
Reed, John
Reed, John
Reed, John W.
Reed, Joseph
Renshaw, A. R.
Reynolds, George H.
Reynolds, Philo
Rial, James E.
Richards, Isaac W.
Richards, John J.
Richards, Joseph
Richardson, S. B.
Richey, James Albert
Riddile, W. V., M.D.
Rider, Henry
Riggle, H. E.
Riggs, John L.
The Ringald Family
Ritchey, George W.
Ritchie, Andrew Scott
Robb, Joseph W.
Robinson, Henry
Robison, William C.
Rodgers, Patrick
Rodgers, William
Rogers, Hugh Allison
Rollstin, Mrs. Nancy C.
The Roney Family
Roney, James
Roney, Samuel
Ross, James M.
Ross, William
Rothwell, Samuel S.
Runion, Dr. A. LeGrand
Ruple, General James B.
Rush, John Mahaffey
Russell, Andrew
Russell, John
Russell, Robert H.
Russell, William
Russell, William M.
Russell, William S.
Ryan, Michael
Ryburn, Matthew
Sample, Robert
The Sampson Family
The Sampson Family
Sampson, A. C.
Sampson, James
Sampson, William T.
Sanders, Stephen
Sanders, Thomas
Sargeant, John
Savage, Mrs. Jane
Sawhill, Mrs. Jane
The Saxton Family
Sayer, James Patterson
Schoenthal, Henry
Schrontz, John F.
Schmidt, Charles
The Scott Family
Scott, Albert D.
Scott, Charles Alexander
Scott, Finley
Scott, Franklin P., M.D.
Scott, Harry C.
Hugh Scott Family
Scott, J. D.
Scott, James
Scott, Jesse Y., M.D.
Scott, John
Scott, John F.
Scott, John P.
Scott, Joseph
Scott, Levi
Scott, Moses
Scott, Robert
Scott, Robert K.
Scott, Samuel
Scott, Smith F.
Seaman, John W.
Shannon, John L.
Shanton, John
The Sharp Family
Sharp, John Morgan
Shaw, Thomas
Shaw, Joseph
Sheller, Christopher
Sheller, Daniel
Sherrard, Miss Nancy
Shields, Oliver P.
Shipley, Thomas C.
Shipley, Tolbert T.
Sights, Casper
Simanton, A. Harper
Skiles, Samuel G.
Slater, Clement M.
Slater, John
Slater, Martin M.
Slater, Thomas
Sloan, Gordon M.D.
Sloan, John C.
Smiley, Rev. W. B.
Smiley, William A.
The Smith Family
Smith, George E.
Smith, James
Smith, James E.
Smith, John
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Samuel
Smith, W. L. M.
Smith, William
Smith, William
Smith, William
Snowden, Rev. James Henry
Snyder, Daniel
Snyder, Henry M.
Sowers, Daniel Wilson
Speer, Mrs. Maria
Sphar, Henry
Sphar, John
Sphar, John E.
Sphar, Parker S.
Spriggs, Joseph M.
Springer, Isaac N.
The Sprowls Family
Sprowls, Mrs. Elizabeth (Stockdale)
Sprowls, Dr. John Nelson
Sprowls, William W., M.D.
Stacey, George W.
Staib, John H.
Stanton, Henry B.
Stephens, John W.
Stephenson, James A.
Stevenson Family
Stevenson, James
Stevenson, Thomas
Stevenson, W. O.
Stewart, Jacob M.
Stewart, James R.
Stewart, John E.
Stewart, John Elliott
Stewart, John W.
Stewart, Robert
Stewart, Robert J.
Stewart, Samuel
Stillwagen, Mrs. Martha
Stockdale, John M.
Stockdale, Joseph S.
Stocking, James S.
Stockton, Thomas
Stockton, Thomas C. M., M.D.
Stollar, Henry
Stollar, William
Stoody, Manuel
Straus, Aaron
Streator, Col. J. B. R.
Stringer, G. M.
Stroud, James D.
Strouss, Dr. Simon Schnider
Studa, Henry L.
Stull, Richard Hawkins
Sumny, David
Sumny, William B.
Supler, James H.
Sutherland, Robert
Swabe, Samuel C.
Swagler, John
(w) Swan, William 244)
Swart, Allison D.
Swart, E. P.
Swart, George
Swart, Henry C.
Swart, Hiram
Swart, J. W.
Swickard, A. Y.
Swickard, Daniel
Taggart, James
Taggart, Samuel
Tannehill, Nathan Roseburg
The Taylor Family
Taylor, Mrs. Ann
Taylor, George
Taylor, George L.
Taylor, James Franklin
Taylor, Matthew
Taylor, Robert Gillis
Teeple, Clinton
Templton Brothers
Templeton, Samuel M.
Tenan, George McCullough
Tenan, James Brown
Thomas, Edward
Thomas, A. J.
Thomas, James
Thomas, James M.
Thomas, Richard Rawlins
Thome, James
Thompson, James
Thompson, James A.
Thompson, James F.
Thompson, Moses B.
Thompson, R. R.
Thompson, W. G.
Thompson, W. S.
Throckmorton, P. A.
Tilton, Mrs. Elmira
Todd, A. M.
Tombaugh, Eli
Tombaugh, Demas Elwood
Totten, Alexander
Townsend, Charles W., M.D.
Townsend, Elijah T.
Truesdell, Joel
Trussell, Charles Howard
Tucker, James
Tucker, Rezin C.
Tweed, Miss Martha D.
Underwood, Clark M.
Underwood, William H.
Valentine, George
The Vance Family
The Vance Family
Vance, J. S.
Vance, Robert B.
Vance, W. P.
Vance, W. W.
Van Dyke, James B.
Van Eman, James Johnson
Van Kirk, Dryden
Van Kirk, Hiram
Van Kirk, John C.
Van Kirk, John H.
Van Kirk, Nelson
Van Kirk, Ralph
Van Kirk, William
Van Scyoc, W. A.
Van Voorhis, Isaac
Van Voorhis, Townsend
Walker, Mrs. Eliza V.
Walker, George T.
Walker, James C.
Walker, Samuel
Wallace, Thomas G.
Waltz, J. S.
Ward, Arthur B.
Ward, James
Ward, Robert
Ward, Wilson
The Warne Family
Warne, Hiram
Warrell, Robert
Warrick, George M.
Watson, James
Watson, John M.
Waugh, David
Waugh, Richard
Weaver, Adam G.
Weaver, David
Weaver, Henry H. H.
Weaver, Solomon
Weaver, Thomas
The Weir Family
Weir, Adam
Weir, John B.
Weir, John N.
Weir, Morris R.
Weir, Robert E.
Weir, Samuel Clark
Weirich, Israel
Welch, James
Welch, John
Welch, Matthew
Welch, Matthew R.
Wells, James L.
Welsh, Mrs. E. L.
Wenzel, Rev. George A., D.D.
Weygandt, Cornelius
Weygandt, John M.
Wheeler, Ulysses S.
Wherry, George W.
Wherry, John Jr.
Wherry, William
White, David
White, John
White, John Fisher
White, William Snodgrass
Whiteman, Isaac
Whiting, Walter L.
Whittlesey, Frederick M.D.
Wickerham, Albert G.
Wiley, Frank J. L.
Wiley, Thomas M.
Wilgus, John S.
Williams, E. A.
Williams, John
Williams, Ralston
Williams, Thomas Hudson
Willison, Joseph
Willson, William
The Wilson Family
Wilson, Albert Osborne
Wilson, Alexander
Wilson, Hugh
Wilson, James
Wilson, James
Wilson, James Sr.
Wilson, John
Wilson, John P.
Wilson, John S.
Wilson, Jospeh
Wilson, Matthew
Wilson, R. S.
Wilson, Mrs. Rachel
Wilson, Thomas
Wilson, White H.
Winfield, W. H.
Winget, B. H.
Winnett, Adah
Winnett, Finley B. M.D.
Winnett, J. R.
Winter, David B.
Winter, William B.
The Wise Family
Witherspoon, William H.
Wolf, William
Wolfe, Michael
Wonsettler, Simon
Wood, Charles B., M.D.
Wood, John P.
Woodburn, James R.
Woodburn, John
Woodburn, William
Woodfill, Rezin C.
Woods, Rev. Henry, D.D.
Woods, John
Work, Maj. George T. and Samuel C.
Work, Maxwell
Worrell, E. I.
Wotring, Judge Abraham
Wright, George Hunter
Wright, Joshua
Wright, Robert
Wright, Thomas
Wylie, Mrs. Mary (Clark)
Wylie, Robert
Wylie, Robert D.
Yant, Mrs. Narcissa V.
Young, Samuel
Zediker, John
Zediker, Lewis
Zediker, Robert
Zelt, Albert
Zelt, Jacob
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