Biographical Notes of Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, PA, 1916
Henry W. CONRAD Biography
Henry W. Conrad, was born in Montgomery Co., came to Pine Grove about 1819, and built what is now the Mansion House and kept hotel till 1840. He was Prothonotary of Schuylkill Co., and served two terms in the Legislature; he was promi- nent and owned quite some property at one time.
He had two sons and six daughters; the sons were both ministers of the Luth- eran Church.
Sarah wag married to Rev. E. Henry, who preached some 45 years in Pine Grove; Francis Valeria was married to Rev. R. P. Thomas, lived in Ohio then moved to Colorado; Charlotte was married to William Forrer; Esther was single, and was a great church and Sunday school worker. She was superintendent of the Lutheran infant Sunday school for 40 years. She built the house where Robert Irwin now lives. Mary and Catherine were single and died young.
Source: Biographical Notes, 1841-1916, of Pine Grove, Pa: J. W. Barr: Achenbach & Reber: 1916
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