Biographical Notes of Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, PA, 1916
M. H. BOYER Biography
M. H. Boyer, came to Pine Grove in 1872. He was born in Reading, Dec. 6, 1837. He has been a dealer in lumber for 45 years. He built the beautiful home at the corner of Tulpehocken and Maple streets, and is one of the substantial mer- of town. He has served several terms in the School Board. He has three sons and five daughters. George W., one of the sons. is also in the lumber .business, and has a fine home right opposite his father's; he has several nice farms, and is engaged in sheep raising and fattening of cattle; he is at present in the school board. Frank is a graduate of Gettysburg College and Ann Arbor, Michigan; he is a lawyer located in Toledo, Ohio, and is single. Charles is also in the lumber business, he is married and lives in Reading. Margaret and Ella are teaching; Anna, Mary and Gertrude are at home. The Boyers have a large circle of friends.
Source: Biographical Notes, 1841-1916, of Pine Grove, Pa: J. W. Barr: Achenbach & Reber: 1916
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