Biographical Notes of Pine Grove, Schuylkill Co. Pennsylvania, 1916
J. Willson BARTO Biography
J. Wilson Barto, was clerking in the Miller, Graeff & Co. office for a few years, then went in the hardware business with J. W. Minning for a few years, then bought Minning's interest and is carrying on the business in his own name.
He has been in business for about 24 years and is doing a thriving business in plumbing and tinsmithing.
He has four sons: Warren, who is with his uncle in business at Mt. Zion; Harry is helping in his father's business; Robert is a doctor; John is clerk in Gensemer & Salem's office;
Pauline is married and lives in New York; Hilda is married to Harry Z. Gensemer; Marion is at home
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