History of Richmond County, New York, 1887
Bodine, William H. J.
The Bodine family is of Huguenot descent. Its first representatives in this country were three brothers, who came to America shortly after the massacre of St. Bartholemew. A branch of the family found their way to Staten Island, and of this branch William H. Bodine is a descendant. He was the third of nine children of Jacob Bodine and Johannah Houseman, of Northfield. His father was formerly a prominent business man in Richmond county, and from him he inherited many of the substantial qualities which have been instrumental in makng him one of Staten Island's most successful business men.
Mr. Bodine was born at. Castleton, February 4, 1821. He was educated by private tutors and in the district school, after which, in his thirteenth year, he became engaged in the business Genealogy with his father, and in which he remained till the age of twenty. At that time he entered into mercantile life on his own account, in which he still remains. He carries on a general business in building materials and fuel. By care in the management of his affairs and the practice of thorough integrity in all his dealings he has won for himself not only a competency, but also the respect and esteem of the entire community.
Mr. Bodine is the possessor of valuable real estate in West Brighton. He is also a stockholder and director in the Richmond County Gas Company. Since his youth he has taken a prominent, part in politics, and his services in the republican party entitle him to recognition as one of its foremost men on Staten Island. For six years he was president of the village of West Brighton, of which, together Genealogy with Francis G. Shaw, Augustus Prentice and James Simonton, under the name of trustees, he was one of the incorporators. His long connection Genealogy with the life and prosperity of Richmond county, together Genealogy with the prominent part which he has always taken in its every aggressive movement, have won for him a lasting place in its history.
Source: History of Richmond County, (Staten Island) From its Discovery to the Present Time: Richard M. Bayles: New York: L.E. Preston & Co.; 1887
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