History of Richmond County, New York, 1887
Alston Family
Originally this was a Scotch family. One of its most noted members was Charles Alston, a celebrated Scotch physician and author. He died in 1760.
Joseph Alston, the son-in-law of Aaron Burr, and a former governor of South Carolina, was also of this family.
The first of the name on Staten Island was David Alston, who came here from New Jersey, somewhere about the beginning of the revolution. He was commissioned a captain in the British army; his company was composed of provincial loyalists or tories; he owned the property recently belonging to the estate of Samuel Decker, deceased, in Northfield. The large stone house in which he lived and died was demolished a few years ago. He died between the 6th and 14th of May, 1805, for these are the dates of his will and its probate. He speaks, in that document, of his sons Warren, Japhet and David. It is said that he continued to draw his half-pay from the British government as long as he lived.
His son Japhet, at the time of his death, which occurred July 31, 1842, at the Four Corners, Castleton, was the father of Moses Alston, Esq., late twice sheriff of the county, and of his brothers David, Japhet, Adam, George and William.
Source: History of Richmond County, (Staten Island) From its Discovery to the Present Time: Richard M. Bayles: New York: L.E. Preston & Co.; 1887
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